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Puzzle Books

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Maritime & Transportation

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The Titanic
The Titanic - learn all sorts
of interesting facts while solving these puzzles all having to
do with the Greatest tragedy
at Sea.

This book contains -
12 - word search puzzles
$1.99 wpe67.jpg (17327 bytes)

Ships & The Sea
Have fun while you learn
lots of interesting facts about Nautical History.

This book contains -
24 - word search puzzles
$2.50 wpe62.jpg (23129 bytes)

Learn lots of interesting facts while learning about the "Silent Service".

This book contains -
10 - word search puzzles
$1.99 wpe65.jpg (18544 bytes)

Pirates - learn all sorts of interesting facts about this era in time while solving these word searches. "YO-HO-HO!

This book contains -
10 - word search puzzles
$1.99 wpe60.jpg (23690 bytes)

USS Arizona $2.50


America's love affair with the Automobile inspired us to create this title. you'll enjoy learning
about this topic as you solve
these word searches.

This book contains -
10 - word search puzzles


Have fun while solving these puzzles all having to do with
the "History of Flight"

This book contains -
10 - word search puzzles


You just can't forget about these "Iron Horses" so we went ahead and created this title for the Train enthusiast. You'll have fun while solving these word searches all having to do with these beautiful pieces of machinery.

This book contains -
11 - word search puzzles
$1.99 wpe69.jpg (22687 bytes)


cards.gif (1765 bytes)
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