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Puzzle Books

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World History

American and world history are captured in these word search puzzles. You will have hours of enjoyment completing these challenging and educational puzzles chock full of facts from all the historical events in the titles. All covers are thumbnail for a larger view.

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Medieval Times
Have fun while learning lots of interesting facts about "The age of Chivalry.

This book contains -
12 - word search puzzles

Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece - Have fun while learning
lots of interesting facts about this Fabulous period in time.

This book contains -
10 - word search puzzles
$1.99 wpe31.jpg (19065 bytes)

Roman Empire
Learn all sorts of interesting facts while
you solve these word search puzzles all having to do with this fascinating period
in time.

This book contains -
10 - word search puzzles
$1.99 wpe39.jpg (28587 bytes)

How could we not create this title on such
a fascinating time in history. You'll learn
lots of interesting facts on this subject
as you solve these word searches.

This book contains -
10 - word search puzzles
$1.99 wpe42.jpg (33027 bytes)

An eruption of great puzzles all having
to do with this Volcanic subject.

This puzzle contains -
10 - word search puzzles

Volcanoes.jpg (48345 bytes)


World War II

Learn lots of interesting facts about this Horrific War while solving these word
search puzzles.

This book contains -
24 - word search puzzles.




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